Meet Liam Jai


Right on time at 6:13am on September 26, 2021 - our son arrived. We named him Liam Jai Fiaretti. Liam Jai means victorious warrior as he represents victory after battle for us in so many ways. He is perfect in every way and fulfilled all of our dreams of parenthood in just one breath.

I will post our birth story once I am able to sit in front of a computer a little longer. But for now I wanted to share just a few images of our last two months with this sweet boy. We are so blessed to get to head into the holiday season with a healthy, beautiful child.

Your support of our business means more to us now than ever before. It’s allowing for me to take a major step back from creative design and be fully present in this season. As a small business owner, I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your grace, your support and your love.




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